Trade Show 401K

Trade Show 401K

Teamsters Local 727 Trade Show 401(k) Plan


1. Notice to All Present Employees of the Employer Eligible to Participate In the Teamsters Local 727 Trade Show 401(k) Plan. An Application is to be made to the Internal Revenue Service for an advance determination on the following employee benefit plan:

2. Name of Plan: Teamsters Local 727 Trade Show 401(k) Plan

3. Plan Number: 001

4. Name and Address of the Applicant:
Board of Trustees of the Teamsters Local 727 Trade Show 401(k) Plan,
1300 West Higgins Road, Suite 303, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

5. Applicant Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN): 84-2223917

6. Name and Address of the Plan Administrator:
Board of Trustees of the Teamsters Local 727 Trade Show 401(k) Plan,
1300 West Higgins Road, Suite 303, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

7. This application will be filed on December 23, 2024, for a determination as to whether the Plan meets the qualifications requirements of Section 401 or Section 403(a) of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to the Plan’s initial qualification. This application will be filed with:

Internal Revenue Service
Attention: EP Determination Letters
P.O. Box 12192
TE/GE Stop 31A Team 105
Covington, KY 41012-0192

8. The Employees that are eligible to participate in the plan are employees that work for a signatory employer to the January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2028 Master Trade Show Agreement with Teamsters Local 727, employees that work for a signatory employer to a Compliance Agreement binding that employer to the Master Trade Show Agreement, signatory employer to the July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2027 Valet Collective Bargaining Agreement or employees that work for a signatory employer to any other collective bargaining agreement with Teamsters Local 727 that provides for participation (collectively the “CBA”) in the plan, provided that, the employee is in the bargaining unit and performs work covered by the CBA. Employees that are not covered by the CBA are not eligible to participate in the Plan.

9. The Internal Revenue Service has not previously issued a determination letter with respect to qualification of this Plan.


10. You have the right to submit to EP Determinations, either individually or jointly with other interested parties, your comments as to whether this plan meets the qualification requirements of the Code. Label your comments “Interested Party Statement”. Include the EIN, plan name, and plan number in your correspondence. Also, include your contact information (mailing address and phone number) in case EP Determinations needs to contact you. Your comments to EP Determinations should be submitted to:

Internal Revenue Service
EP Determinations
Attn. Customer Service Manager
P.O. Box 2508
Cincinnati, OH 45202

You may instead, individually or jointly with other interested parties, request the Department of Labor (“DOL”) to submit, on your behalf, comments to EP Determinations regarding qualification of the plan. If the DOL declines to comment on all or some of the matters you raise, you may, individually, or jointly if your request was made to the DOL, submit your comments on these matters directly to EP Determinations at the Cincinnati address above.


11. The Department of Labor (“DOL”) may not comment on behalf of interested parties unless requested to do so by the lesser of 10 employees or 10 percent of the employees who qualify as interested parties. The number of persons needed for the DOL to comment with respect to this Plan is 10. If you request that the DOL comment, your request must be in writing and must specify the matters upon which comments are requested. The request must also include the following:

  • The information contained in items 2 through 5 of this notice; and
  • The number of persons needed for the DOL to comment.

A request for the DOL to comment should be addressed as follows:

Deputy Assistant Secretary
Employee Benefits and Security Administration
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington D.C. 20210
ATTN: 3001 Comment Request

12. Comments submitted by you to EP Determinations must be in writing and must be received by February 6, 2025.

However, if there are matters that you request the DOL to comment upon your behalf, and the DOL declines, you may submit comments on those matters to EP Determinations to be received by them within 15 days from the time the DOL notifies you that it will not comment on a particular matter or by February 6, 2025, whichever is later, but not after February 21, 2025. A request to the DOL to comment on your behalf must be received by January 7, 2025, if you wish to preserve your right to comment on a matter upon which the department declines to comment, or by January 17, 2025, if you wish to waive that right.


13. Detailed instructions regarding the requirements for notification of interested parties may be found in sections 19A and 20A of Rev. Proc. 2023-4, IRB 2023-1, 162. Additional information concerning this application (including, if applicable, the following: an updated copy of the plan and related trust; the application for determination; any additional documents relating to the application that have been submitted to the Service; and copies of section 19A of Rev. Proc. 2023-4) is available at:

Teamsters Local Union No. 727 Benefit Fund Office
1300 West Higgins Road, Suite 303
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
Phone: (773) 685-0340

During normal business hours of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM for inspection and copying. There is a nominal charge for copying and/or mailing.

Who is eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan?

As an employee covered by a Teamsters Local Union No. 727 collective bargaining agreement or a participation agreement of a contributing employer in a Tradeshow industry, you become eligible to participate in the plan after you have performed one-hour of work in covered employment.

When do I become vested?

You become fully vested in Employer Contributions when you have earned one-year of service (200 hours in a calendar year). You are always 100% vested in Salary Deferral Contributions, Rollover Contributions, and QNEC Contributions. Additionally, employees that were participants in the Central States Pension Fund on July 1, 2019, and were bargaining unit members on the Teamsters Local No. 727 Referral A List are automatically 100% vested in this plan.

How can I access my account?

You may access your account information by visiting the Recordkeeper’s website at or by contacting the Recordkeeper at 877-778-2100.